Home LifestyleArt and Culture FILEY 2024 is coming in March

FILEY 2024 is coming in March

by Yucatan Times
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With more than 600 scheduled activities, the twelfth edition of the Yucatan International Reading Fair (FILEY) will begin, presented by the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY) from March 10 to 17, in Mérida.

At a press conference held at the “Rosario Castellanos” bookstore of the Economic Culture Fund in Mexico City, which was chaired by Carlos Estrada Pinto, rector of the UADY, accompanied by María Teresa Mézquita Méndez, general director of the FILEY and Roberto Domínguez Cáceres, representative of the academic institution UC-Mexicanistas, shared some details about the activities that will be carried out in the next edition of FILEY, considered the largest cultural event in the Mexican southeast.

FILEY invites us to explore the wonders that arise when we unite reading with our senses. Its programming begins with the presentation of the 2024 “José Emilio Pacheco” Excellence in Literature Award to David Toscana, a multifaceted writer, and will feature the presence of writers Yucatecans, national and international, such as Gustavo Rodríguez, Alejandro Zambra, Coral Bracho, Elisa Chavarrea, Ileana Garma-Estrella, Juan Villoro, Ruperta Bautista, Guadalupe Nettel, among others.

There will be a wide variety of academic activities, meetings, and conferences of great relevance, such as the XV International Congress of Literature of UC-Mexicanistas, the Meeting of Writers in Native Languages ​​2024, and the Meeting of Reading Promoters held in conjunction with the SM México Foundation, as well as a special billboard commemorating the death of Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

FILEY is a free event open to the public with artistic shows, cinematographic activities, exhibitions and talks on visual arts, workshops, and children’s and youth activities that turn the Fair into a cultural beacon that illuminates the pleasure of reading and wealth. of the arts. FILEY 2024 awaits with open arms and senses, ready to enjoy together a week full of letters, emotions, and discoveries.

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