Yucatán keeps incredible and unimaginable stories; One of them is told in Chacsinkín, where they discovered a wooden cross that walks on its own, which the inhabitants and witnesses have declared as “a miracle.”
It all started one morning, 30 years ago, when one of the daughters of the Yah Cab family, who was 9 years old at the time, entered her house and saw that the altar in her home was empty.

Looking at the ground, she found the cross lying on the floor as if someone had thrown it there. As the days passed, this event was repeated, but this time she was able to observe how the cross “walked” on its own.
According to the people of this municipality, more people found out about it and did not hesitate to try to witness this miraculous event, which is still considered an enigma up to this day.

As the days passed, more and more people crowded the place as they all wanted to verify this peculiar event with their own eyes.
Over the years, this place became a sanctuary where visitors come to pray for their sick relatives and make donations, as they claim that the Wooden Cross of Chaksinkin is miraculous.
Many believers have held the wooden cross in their own hands as they seek to be guided by its movement. However, this only happens if the person who tries has enough faith on this religious symbol.
Currently, Aisela Yah Cab is the guardian of the place that protects the cross; a space that visitors can access for free.

People can even buy candles right there to offer to the cross and make special requests.

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