At the beginning of 2024, Valladolid was positioned as the destination with the highest hotel occupancy, registering 55.53% in January, while in general, the state reached 52%, two points less than in the same period last year when the figure was 54%.
The president of the Mexican Hotel Association, Juan José Martín Pacheco, indicated that in the first month of the year, the city of Mérida reported an occupancy of 54% in its rooms, a point lower than the 2023 record, which was 55%.
In towns and city outside Mérida, he noted, January left 40% of rooms occupied, a figure almost seven points lower than that quantified the previous year, which was 46.91%.
“At the start of this year, Valladolid reached 55.53% percent, Izamal 40.86%, while Chichén Itzá obtained 39.68%, and the beaches 28%,” he stated.
Juan José Martín Pacheco specified that the figures were obtained from a sampling carried out in 5,022 rooms in 67 hotels in Mérida and 791 rooms in 30 lodging centers in the interior of the state.

The leader of the hotel businessmen considered that January was impacted by different factors that influenced the movement of room occupancy in the state, such as a strong end to the year, where December showed a high rebound due to being a vacation period, where Families and couples decide to go out to spend their holidays in other cities or visit relatives who live in the entity.
Also, he stressed, that the start of classes means that families no longer leave their places of origin, in addition to the fact that they already spent December on different items. In the case of Yucatán, he explained, the growth of hotels that are registered each year influences the decrease in the percentage of hotel occupancy, since tourists already have more lodging options, a situation that allows those who arrive to be distributed in other places. to the state, which when averaging the figures is lower.
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