Homeowners in Mérida, with solar panels or roofs with vegetation, will receive an additional 15 percent discount to the one applied per month in the property payment, by the Green Roofs program of the Sustainable Development Unit of the City Council.

To face the effects of high pollution in the city and avoid further damage, the UDS promotes the use of these alternatives, to provide certain benefits so that more people join.

The Program to Stimulate Actions against Climate Change – Solar Panels and the Program to Stimulate Actions against Climate Change – Green Roofs, have the purpose of partially mitigating the effects of urbanization; They are aimed at owners who can prove residential use in their homes and who have installed solar panels or green roofs, as the case may be.

This stimulus seeks to encourage the use of materials designed to protect the property against damage from exposure to the environment and, in turn, promote the growth of vegetation on rooftops, excluding the implementation of pots on terraces and hanging gardens.
To obtain this type of stimulus, the Sustainable Development Unit will determine whether or not the request is valid.
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