Home NewsCrime Yucatán reinforces security with better infrastructure to support the work of the SSP

Yucatán reinforces security with better infrastructure to support the work of the SSP

by Yucatan Times
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Mauricio Vila Dosal delivered the units as part of the effort to continue maintaining the entity as a reference in peace and tranquility.

Mauricio Vila Dosal strengthens the peace and tranquility of the state with the delivery of 52 new equipped units to various municipalities to reinforce patrol, supervision and monitoring tasks, as well as 20 ambulances to the Ministry of Public Security of the entity, to contribute to rapid and timely attention to citizens in case of medical emergencies.

With this new delivery, in the five years since the Vila Dosal government started, a total of 2,272 security and aid vehicles have been delivered, renewing units and increasing supervision and monitoring to provide better assistance to Yucatecan citizens.

As part of the state government’s efforts to reinforce security efforts for the benefit of Yucatecans, the governor provided 39 vans and 13 motorcycles equipped to strengthen the police corporations in 32 of the 106 municipalities, as well as 20 ambulances which will be used to improve assistance and transportation services in cases of emergency.

Vila Dosal stated that so far during his administration, more than 2,200 patrol cars have been delivered, of which 430 were destined for the municipalities, as his administration has sought to reinforce security in all corners of the state through a more and better equipped municipal police.

Before the head of the Ministry of Public Security, Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda, and the president of the Business Coordinating Council, Alejandro Guerrero Lozano, the governor recalled that his government has made a significant budgetary effort, since in 2018 the Ministry only received 1,549 million pesos and this 2024 it has increased to three thousand 687, which represents an increase of 138%.

“There is no other police force in the country that has increased its budget in this way and we do this because we want to be the safest state and always be one step ahead of crime; because we are sure that the money invested in security is money well invested because there is nothing that costs more than losing the peace and tranquility of our families,” stated the governor.ADVERTISING

In that sense, Vila Dosal indicated that last year he presented an initiative to the state Congress so that the SSP budget could not be reduced and, on the contrary, increased so that the Yucatecan police could continue with their work.


The governor highlighted that, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the SSP Yucatán is the police force that people trust most throughout the country, which is why he highlighted the work of the state agents and invited them to redouble their efforts. to continue shielding the state; In response, his Government will continue to give them the tools they need to keep it that way.

He also thanked the coordination with the Army, Navy, and National Guard, federal institutions that have always been willing to help keep peace and order in our state. Likewise, he recognized the support of civil society, which has always remained aware of the actions taken to preserve security in Yucatán.

“We are going to continue making Yucatán not only the best place to live, but also to invest because security is a condition that attracts investments and that helps Yucatecan families to grow and develop better,” said Vila Dosal.


The head of the Ministry of Public Security, Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda, highlighted the commitment that Vila Dosal has maintained to the preservation of state security, through the equipment, training, and strengthening of the corporation he heads, not only at a state but also at a municipal level.

“The fact that Yucatán is a reference in security nationwide is not a coincidence, but it is due to the first-class equipment and the resources that the Governor has allocated to reinforce the Ministry of Public Security and the Municipal police corporations across the state,” the governor concluded.

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