“There is no winner of the second debate, but there is a clear loser, which is Claudia Sheinbaum,” considered the expert in political parties and elections, Víctor Manuel Alarcón Olguín, about the performance of the candidate of the ruling coalition Let’s Keep Making History.
The doctor in Political Science from the UNAM, Rosa María Mirón Lince, agrees with this perspective, pointing out that Sheinbaum lost by dedicating her time “to defending the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, that took away her interaction time.”

In this second debate focused on the economy, poverty and climate change, Alfredo Figueroa, former counselor of the Federal Electoral Institute – predecessor of the National Electoral Institute (INE) – highlighted that Sheinbaum lagged behind in its participation compared to Xóchitl Gálvez, of the opposition coalition Fuerza y Corazón por México, which is made up of the National Action (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) and Democratic Revolution (PRD) parties.
He stressed that the performance of the PAN politician stood out in this exercise in which attacks and accusations abounded. “She took better advantage of the format of the debate, the conditions of her opposition status, and I think that today she wins the debate,” she said.
“Gálvez managed his time very well and was able to talk more at the end, he pressured Sheinbaum and the brunette couldn’t answer,” added Mirón Lince.
For Alarcón Olguín, the participation of the opposition candidate – who is in second place in the polls – was not the best. “It seems to me that Xóchitl once again missed a very important opportunity to articulate a much deeper criticism. She began to attack her (Sheinbaum) with the issue of being a ‘narco-candidate’, but she should have been clearer,” she highlighted.

Regarding the performance of Jorge Álvarez Máynez, from Movimiento Ciudadano, Figueroa points him out as the loser of the debate, considering that his participation was “irrelevant”, leaving him without the possibility of growing in the polls, nor of reaching double digits in The preferences.

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