The “Rufo Law” has been a great achievement when it comes to combating animal abuse, says a rescuer, “but, sadly, the person who killed this little dog was not tried under this law.”
Raúl Argáez Ortega, representative of Red Animal, an association that is part of the National Alliance One Million Hopes, gave his opinion on the sentence given to Rufo’s murderer.
This resulted in three years and nine months in prison, a fine of 900 days, and compensation for the damage by supplying pet food.
Argaez Ortega stated that they are satisfied with the sentence, although this individual was tried under the previous law, which grants a maximum sentence of four years.
Although he regretted that this person was not tried with the “Rufo Law”, they are grateful that this case served as a reference to make visible the mistreatment of domestic animals and those who are homeless.
Regarding the laws, the rescuer pointed out that he was part of the group that promoted the previous law, which stipulated a maximum of four years in prison.
Likewise, he was part of the people who fought to promote the “Rufo Law”, which establishes a 10-year maximum sentence.

Argaez and many other activists are hoping to see this law come into force and begin judging cases of animal abuse under it.
Argáez Ortega added that among the advances that have been made in cases of animal abuse is that the accused must carry out the preventive process inside prison, as was done with a man from Tekax who was accused of dragging puppies with his bicycle and beating them.
The fight to make animals visible as sentient beings has been a bit slow, but some deputies have accompanied us, Raúl Argaez concluded.
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