The Government of Yucatán published on in the Official State Gazette the agreement of the Ministry of Health by which the dry law is made official for the elections on Sunday, June 2. This document prohibits the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the entity, on the occasion of election day. It is signed by the Secretary of Health, Mauricio Sauri Vivas.
The text points out the electoral legislation that establishes this prohibition both during election day, as well as the day before. It is also added that through a letter dated May 20, Moisés Bates Aguilar, President of the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of Yucatán, requested the collaboration of the State Government to comply with said law.
According to the agreement, based on article 253-F of the Health Law; The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in beer stores, liquor stores, supermarkets, wineries and distributors of alcoholic beverages, nightclubs, discos, cabarets, canteens, restaurants, pizzerias, bars, dance halls, and reception halls.
The dry law will come into force from the first minute of June 1, 2024 and until 11 a.m. on Monday, June 3, 2024.
Regarding sanctions, the agreement mentions that people or establishments that fail to comply will be subject to the administrative or criminal sanctions provided for in the applicable regulations, as appropriate.
This measure will come into force next Saturday, despite the request of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Foods Industry so that the restrictions due to the dry law on election day do not apply to restaurants in Mexico.
TYT Newsroom