To combat the presence of lionfish in the reefsof Cozumel, as well as promote its consumption and other actions that help reduce its population, the “First International Lionfish Culinary Festival” will be held in this island.
José Ángel Canto Noh, president of the Cozumel Fishing Cooperative, indicated that this event will take place this weekend in coordination with the Regional Network for controlling the Lionfish population in the Mexican Caribbean.
To do this, specimens of lionfish weighing 300 grams or more are being purchased, so that participants in dish-making contests can use them as their main ingredient.

During the first day of activities, there will be panels on the work of cooperatives and associations that will talk about the capture, marketing and control of lionfish; in addition to the threat it represents and its exploitation from the perspective of different sectors.
On the second day, the Lionfish Culinary Festival will be held in Benito Juárez Park starting at 2 in the afternoon, an event open to the public, with a gastronomic exhibition, sale of products, and a competition for dishes made with lionfish.

It should be noted that in 2010, when the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp) warned about the uncontrolled growth of lionfish in the waters of the island and that its presence endangered the coral reefs.
Since then, several initiatives have been carried out to control the population of this invasive species, which, because it has no natural predators in the area, puts the ecological balance of the reef system at risk.
TYT Newsroom