Home Headlines Valladolid hotels prepare strategy for the low season

Valladolid hotels prepare strategy for the low season

by Yucatan Times
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The “Magic Town” of Valladolid ended April with an average occupancy of 50 percent in hotels, and now they are designing strategies to attract visitors in this low season.

The president of the Association of Hotels and Hostels of Valladolid, Héctor Bustos Sosa, commented that during the month of April the expected results were not obtained.

He pointed out that the only high occupancy that was registered in the destination were the days from Thursday to Sunday (of Holy Week), that is, the last of March, while in the first of April an occupancy close to 60 percent was reached. . “From there to the rest of the month it fell, between 40 and 45 percent, which averages 50 percent occupancy in April.

The expectation for May and June is bad, since traditionally they are very low months, like September and October,” he explained. And he indicated that for these two months the expectation for room occupancy is between 30 and 35 percent.

Bustos Sosa shared that the electoral issue also influences tourism. “Historically, it has always had a delayed effect, because there is a bit of uncertainty, you don’t know what is going to happen, people prefer to be involved in other activities than traveling,” he noted.

He announced that this month they have events coming up that could help the occupation, such as the “Mayan Rally” and the “Spark of the Revolution”, next June 4, already considered Intangible Cultural Heritage.

“There is an area of opportunity for the coming years to organize some activity to attract tourism, especially when it is a low occupancy season,” said the president of the Valladolid Hotels and Hostels Association.

Finally, the hotel businessman said that the hotel infrastructure has increased in Valladolid in recent years, since the destination now has 1,600 rooms, plus 400 that are offered through digital platforms such as Airbnb.

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