Home Headlines 8 deaths due to heat stroke registered in Yucatan so far this year

8 deaths due to heat stroke registered in Yucatan so far this year

by Yucatan Times
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For the second consecutive week, deaths from heat stroke were recorded in Yucatán; There were five, of which three occurred in the interior of the state, one of them in Izamal, and the other in Acanceh, revealed the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the federal Ministry of Health. On this occasion, the first cases occurred in women, two of whom were from the state capital.

Yucatan has recorded eight deaths so far this year, placing the state in eighth position nationally. These deaths are the result of health damage caused by Extreme Natural Temperatures (ETN), of which the Health agencies have treated 167 people in the state, ranking fifth nationally in this area.

Regarding the eight deaths registered in the State during the hot season, five are from Mérida, and the rest are from this municipality, Acanceh, and Kanasín.

Regarding sex, five are men, one is from this municipality, another from Acanceh, and three from Mérida; while the three women, two are from the Yucatecan capital, and the remaining one is from Kanasín.

With these eight deaths, Yucatán is in eighth place nationally, surpassed by Veracruz, with 56; Tabasco, 18; Tamaulipas, 17; Nuevo León, 12; San Luis Potosí, 11, and Oaxaca, nine.

In Yucatán, 135 cases of heat stroke were reported (8 of them resulted in death), 31 due to dehydration and one burn caused by the Sun.

TYT Newsroom

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