Home NewsCrime A social media user exposes a couple for abandoning a dog on a Mérida avenue

A social media user exposes a couple for abandoning a dog on a Mérida avenue

by Yucatan Times
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A couple was exposed on social media when they abandoned their dog on an avenue in the Villas de la Hacienda Campestre neighborhood, in Mérida.

As seen in a video posted by user Mariana Quijano Escamilla on Facebook, the couple abandoned their pet in the middle of the avenue and the rain.

The dog chased the couple’s orange Nissan Pathfinder for more than five minutes and although it managed to catch up with its owners at a traffic light, they did not open the door and even rejected ownership of the animal from those who complained about their actions.

“They denied that it was theirs, but not only did the dog follow them until he was out of breath, but at a stop he approached the window, stopping sadly and waiting for them to look at him,” the user said in her publication.

Although some witnesses wanted to rescue the small animal, the user explained that it did not allow itself to be grabbed, because it was very scared.

Through the social networks of Red Animal Yucatán, the support of Internet users was requested to find the whereabouts of the pet and thus provide it with a new home. They also ask to show the identity of those responsible for the abandonment, so that the authorities take action on this animal abuse.

TYT Newsroom

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