Home Headlines Check out the footage of the Tren Maya structures that collapsed in Chetumal

Check out the footage of the Tren Maya structures that collapsed in Chetumal

by Yucatan Times
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As a possible consequence of the recent intense rains, two steel structures at the Tren Maya bridge works in Chetumal collapsed.

According to preliminary reports, the accident occurred where work on Section 7 of the Tren Maya is being carried out, at the entrance to Chetumal. Two of the steel columns that will serve as supports for the bridge collapsed, and three others leaned, apparently due to the softening of the ground due to the rains.

One of the heavy structures crushed a Nissan pick-up truck; although several men were working at the scene, no injured people were reported.

According to the Tren Maya project, Section 7 connects Bacalar, Quintana Roo, with Escárcega, Campeche, and the route passes through Chetumal, Calderitas, and Xpujil, also in Quintana Roo.

In recent days, we reported an incident that occurred on a Tren Maya bridge near Maxcanú due to the rains.

The bridge that leads to the archaeological zone of Oxkintok presented the collapse of a part of its structure, which alerted neighbors who live in the surroundings of this work.

It should be noted that said bridge, which was recently built as part of the Tren Maya works, passes over the tracks and the site of the collapse is located on one side of the rails.

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