Dengue cases decrease by 67% in Yucatán

The Ministry of Health of Yucatán reported that the state is in 17th place nationally with fewer cases of dengue

In the last month, Yucatán dropped to 17th place in the national table in cases of dengue: only 172 cases of the disease have been reported so far this year, demonstrating a decrease of 67.4 percent.

Despite these “favorable” figures, especially after an epidemic like last year, the Yucatan Health Secretariat activated a fumigation campaign to prevent a resurgence of the disease, since the rains of recent days have caused flooding. severe storms and accumulation of water in several areas of the State.

In addition, as a preventive measure, the agency announced a junk removal campaign in Mérida for this month: on June 22 in the South side, and on the 23rd, in the North side of the state capital.

According to the Dengue Epidemiological Panorama 2024, 172 cases have been detected so far this year, with an incidence rate of 7.30 per 100 thousand inhabitants; 63 diagnoses were of the common type (DNG); 101 “with warning signs” (DCSA) and eight serious (DG).

The municipalities considered as red zones are: Tekantó, with an incidence of 71.06; San Felipe, with 46.58 percent; Hocabá with 43.62; and Huhí, with 34.29 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

Regarding the region, Quintana Roo is in seventh place with 832 cases and Campeche is in tenth with 488.

In the case of deaths, there have only been three in Quintana Roo, while in Campeche and Yucatán no deaths have yet been reported due to complications of fever transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, so far this year.

To prevent this situtation, the Yucatan Health Secretariat reported that scrapping and fumigation campaigns will be carried out. On the 22nd there will be a scrapping in the South, while on Sunday the 23rd in the North.

The authorities ask citizens not to take out mattresses, armchairs, clothing, and other objects that are not containers that can harbor mosquito larvae.

TYT Newsroom

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