Home NewsPeninsulaCampeche Dozens of anti-rabies vaccines are applied in Campeche

Dozens of anti-rabies vaccines are applied in Campeche

by Yucatan Times
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The Ministry of Health has intensified its efforts to protect pets against rabies, administering more than 75 thousand doses of vaccines to dogs and cats so far in 2024.

The health authorities assured that they will continue with the vaccination campaign throughout the year, to keep the state free of this disease. Likewise, they stated that the doses are completely free and have become a fundamental pillar for public health in the entity.

Therefore, they highlighted the importance of the population taking advantage of these campaigns, especially considering that rabies is a fatal disease for both animals and humans. To facilitate access to vaccination, fixed posts have been established in the municipalities of Campeche, Carmen, and Escárcega.

These vaccination points allow pet owners to come comfortably and safely to immunize their animals. Authorities urge citizens to bring their dogs and cats to these centers to ensure they are protected from rabies.

TYT Newsroom

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