Home Headlines Firefighters rescue a goat that fell into a deep well in Tizimín, Yucatán

Firefighters rescue a goat that fell into a deep well in Tizimín, Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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The animal fell into a 15 feet deep well and was rescued unharmed by firefighters.

While a man was herding his goats on the land located on 89th Street, 50-B and 50-C in the Adolfo López Mateos neighborhood, one of them separated from the group and fell into a well more than 15 meters deep; Given this, he asked for support so that he could be reported to 911 so that he could receive help for the rescue.

Due to the depth of the well, the municipal police could not enter to carry out the rescue and they chose to request the support of specialized people; Hence, the Tizimín Public Security and Integration Center Firefighters rescue unit was called.

With the help of harnesses and safety equipment, the firefighters entered the well. After more than half an hour of maneuvers, due to the limited space and depth, the animal was rescued.

The goat was unharmed and was handed over to its owner. The officers urged Mr. Telesforo to be more careful with his animals and avoid passing through that area again to avoid taking risks.

TYT Newsroom

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