Home Headlines Governor Mauricio Vila meets with the US consul in Mérida

Governor Mauricio Vila meets with the US consul in Mérida

by Yucatan Times
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Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal met with the United States Consul in Mérida, Dorothy Ngutter, with whom he endorsed the collaboration and close relationship between both governments, to continue promoting actions and strategies that benefit the people of Yucatán.

At the meeting, where the head of the Consular Section, Jacob Grannell, and heads of state government agencies also participated, Vila Dosal and the diplomat spoke about the actions that have been carried out as a team with the US Consulate over the last 3 years to ensure the development of Yucatan.

It is worth mentioning that this meeting was held before Ngutter concluded her period as Consul General in Mérida.

Mauricio Vila meets with the US consul in Mérida, what did they talk about?

Mauricio Vila thanked the United States consul in Mérida for her work these years, which is summarized in collaboration, effort, and a lot of willingness, which has allowed unprecedented figures to be achieved in the relationship with that country, such as the issuance of visas, air connection, Yucatecan students in that country and beneficiaries of the Cabecitas Blancas program.

“On behalf of the Yucatecans, I appreciate the coordinated work, the openness, and, above all, the relationship of good neighbors that we have had because it shows that we want things to go well for both of us,” she stated.

In that sense, Vila Dosal asserted that the relationship between Yucatan and the United States has never been so fruitful and that is thanks to the effort that Ngutter has led.

“From where we are, we will continue to collaborate”
“Rest assured that, from wherever we are, we will continue working and collaborating to improve the relationship between our countries,” he concluded.

For her part, the United States Consul in Mérida also expressed her gratitude to Governor Vila Dosal and his work team for always maintaining collaboration and closeness with the institution he represents.

“We show that if we seek common goals, we can advance as much as possible, therefore, we are all part of the history of these 3 years, what was done could not be possible without the cooperation of the State Government team”, he claimed.

Finally, the heads of state agencies highlighted the impulse and support that the United States Consulate has given in various public sectors, such as education, health, tourism, and the economy.

TYT Newsroom

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