Home Business-newBusiness Huacho Díaz presents his “Maya Renaissance Plan” to businessmen in CDMX

Huacho Díaz presents his “Maya Renaissance Plan” to businessmen in CDMX

by Yucatan Times
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The Elected Governor of Yucatán, Joaquín Díaz Mena, met in Mexico City with businessmen to present the Maya Renaissance Plan (Plan Renacimiento Maya), through which the 4T Government, which will take office on October 1, will promote investment and development across the State.

“Today in Mexico City I had a meeting with businessmen to talk about the future of Yucatán. I told them about my Maya Renaissance Plan, through which we will promote investment and development of the State,” said Díaz Mena, after the meeting with members of the business sector.

He detailed that the Maya Renaissance Plan includes the expansion and modernization of the Deep Sea Port of Progreso, the promotion of natural gas in industry and commerce, the multimodal connection between the Transisthmian Train, the Maya Train, and the Port of Progreso, as well as tourism promotion of the stateat national and international levels.

“I will work in a coordinated manner with the business community, to build a Yucatan with shared prosperity, where everyone has access to opportunities and greater development,” said Díaz Mena.

The Governor-Elect recalled that this is a series of important infrastructure works, which have been planned for more than 15 years and have not been carried out because no state government has sufficient resources to carry them out if it does not have the support of the Federal Government.

In this sense, he recalled that for Yucatán it will be very important to provide natural gas to the 2 combined cycle plants that are already being built with federal investment, both for the business community and for the industry, and that later they could even think about Provide this service to homes or parts of population growth where feasible.

The meeting was attended by executives and representatives of companies such as Microsoft, Oxxo, Bepensa, Ecoce, Canipec, the Mexican Business Council, Nestlé, ConMéxico, Connecting México, Grupo Modelo, FedEx, Liverpool, Autodesk, AES, among others.

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