Home Headlines Joaquín Díaz Mena confirms Luis Felipe Saidén as Secretary of Security for his term

Joaquín Díaz Mena confirms Luis Felipe Saidén as Secretary of Security for his term

by Yucatan Times
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Governor-elect, Joaquín Díaz Mena, announced that he will hold at least 8 work meetings, one for each economic area, as part of the reception of the state administration.

The above, after the meeting that he had with the president Mauricio Vila Dosal in the Government Palace, where he took the opportunity to declare that the only hogh rank official confirmed for his adminstration is Commander Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda, in the Secretariat of Public Security.

On Wednesday, June 26, the Governor-Elect of Yucatán held a private meeting with Mauricio Vila, where they talked about the delivery-reception process.

Upon his arrival, “Huacho” Díaz Mena declared that the beginning of the transition process will formally begin in the month of August, as established by the Law and will end on September 30.

Meanwhile, Diaz Mena announced that in the coming weeks he will lead a tour of Yucatán, where he will meet with the people again as promised, after his campaign.

TYT Newsroom

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