Home LifestyleArt and Culture Motul: Wealth, History and Natural Beauties

Motul: Wealth, History and Natural Beauties

by Yucatan Times
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Motul is a destination that has great wealth and history, where you can enjoy its great attraction and discover the past, while you delve into its nature and delight in its wonderful gastronomic offer.

Just 45 kilometers away. from the famous “Blanca” Mérida, is this Magical Town, which allows you to move in a short time from one point to another, as we know that it is an opportunity that you will not miss, we recommend 5 unmissable activities that you did not think existed:

You’ve probably heard of Motuleños eggs since they originate from this region. This town saw the birth of this delicious dish and it is said that it was created in the 1920s by Mr. Jorge Siqueff for President Felipe Carrillo Puerto. So you can’t stop trying them and live an experience of tradition, accompanied by exquisite freshly brewed coffee or seasonal water. The best option to enjoy this typical dish is at the municipal market with Doña Evelia, but there you can find other places that offer this delicacy and that you will surely enjoy as well.

After a delicious lunch, enjoy a large folk dance group, who offer a unique show, dressed in the beautiful traditional costumes of the region, a product of mestizaje, where the women show off their colorful huipils to the rhythm of the happy notes of the Yucatecan dairy. You can enjoy this show at the Sambulá cenote facilities, with a duration of 1 hour every Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Cenote Sambula

If what you are looking for is a refreshing place, with crystal clear waters, inside a cavern, you cannot miss visiting this cenote, descend its stairs and immerse yourself in a great experience inside an incredible underground aquifer, where the water mirror measures 30 meters long by 8 meters wide, with a minimum depth of 1 meter and a maximum of 8, something that makes it ideal for the whole family.

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