Rainfall increases the level of the aquifer in Yucatan

Photo: SIPSE

The torrential rains that occurred in Yucatán have increased the level of the state’s aquifer, putting it in a potential overflow zone.

Although the amount of precipitation is far from what was recorded in 2020, when various tropical systems caused the aquifer to exceed its level by 5.20 meters, the current figure is not far from this mark and the data even indicates that there is no shortage little to reach this amount, said the hydraulic engineer, Juan Vázquez Montalvo.

“With the rains that have fallen, which have been quite heavy, as almost 500 millimeters of water have fallen in a short time, the water level went from 1.10 to 2.42. In other words, it rose one meter and 50 centimeters. “That is what raised the aquifer,” he explained.

He indicated that the aquifer was 1.10 meters above its level during the drought period, although the rains recorded on June 18 raised it to 1.6 meters, while the rainfall on June 24 increased to 2.4 meters of water above your level.

He estimated that if it continues to rain with the same intensity, in about 15 days, it could rise another meter and a half, which would put the aquifer just one meter away from reaching the 5.20 meters it requires to exceed its level and cause flooding as occurred in 2020. in Mérida and municipalities in the north of the entity.

That year, the tropical storm “Cristóbal” raised the level of the aquifer to 4 meters, while the rain caused by the “Gamma” and “Zeta” systems caused it to overflow, although in 2024, the situation could repeat itself. a tropical cyclone may arrive, since the season ends until November.

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