Scientists invite the public to join the restoration of mangroves in Yucatán

The CINVESTAV-Mérida Primary Production Laboratory (LPP), in collaboration with various educational institutions and environmental organizations, is leading a mangrove restoration project in the region. After the successful volunteering carried out last Sunday, May 5 at the Progreso mangrove restoration site, a cordial invitation is extended to the community to join these laudable efforts.

Under the “SDG Student Program” initiative, students from the Anáhuac Mayab University, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and the Tecnológico de Monterrey, together with the support of the CINVESTAV-Mérida Primary Production Laboratory and the ENES unit Mérida UNAM, participated in activities to clear channels and plant mangrove propagules and seedlings, with the guidance of the group Las Chelemeras, who have led this project for seven years.

The “SDG Student Program” aims to connect university students with global efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, thus facilitating communication between global actions and the specific activities carried out by universities.

The CINVESTAV-Mérida Primary Production Laboratory, thanks all the students for their participation and enthusiasm in this mangrove restoration project. Those interested in joining this noble cause are invited to contact the laboratory and learn more about the volunteer and collaboration opportunities available.

During May 6 and 9, 2024, internships and field visits were conducted with the participation of 15 students and Dr. David MacFarlane from Michigan State University (MSU).

Participants were provided with a detailed understanding of the mangrove restoration strategy, focusing on the progress, challenges, and successes of this activity in Yucatán. This initiative not only facilitated knowledge exchange between local communities, MSU students and faculty, and CINVESTAV-Mérida academics but also contributed to the dissemination of knowledge in this crucial area.

On May 6, 2024, the mangrove restoration area was visited in the Progreso swamp, Yucatán, led by Las Chelemeras and the Primary Production Laboratory-CINVESTAV, Unit-Mérida. During this visit, practical activities such as clearing canals, planting red and white mangrove seedlings, and arranging sediment extracted from the canal were carried out.

On May 9, 2024, the mangrove restoration site in Celestún, Yucatán was visited, specifically by the Dzinitún groups. At this site, the LPP, in collaboration with different academic and government institutions, civil society organizations, and community members, has been implementing actions to recover mangrove cover since 2007. During this visit, the Dzinitún groups shared their experiences with the students, who had the opportunity to walk the trails and witness the hard work of these community groups.

TYT Newsroom

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