Section 5 of the Tren Maya could collapse, just like Mexico City subway’s Line 12

Activists from the Sélvame del Tren collective denounce that the foundation piles of the Tren Maya built in the Oppenheimer cave, located in section 5 south, are being filled with stones, which could cause a fragile foundation and a possible collapse and they compared the negligent construction with Line 12 of the Mexico City Metro.

This new complaint from the Sélvame del Tren collective documents with videos of the filling with stones where piles should go, so during the broadcast of a capsule by Yucatecan journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, he highlights the fact that the structure of the Tren Maya could collapse in section 5 south.

For this reason, they ask for an investigation: “Tren Maya. This is as if we had seen on video the poor placement of the bolts on Line 12. Nobody wants a tragedy, neither human nor a diesel spill on the aquifer. “It must be investigated”

And just on Friday, June 14, a Tren Maya bridge began to collapse in Maxcanú, Yucatan, heading to the archaeological zone of Oxkintok, located 50 kilometers from the city of Mérida, on the road to Campeche; where several plates collapsed from the side walls of a vehicular bridge that passes over the railroad tracks.

For his part, Elías Siebenborn, naturalist and guide in the jungle for wildlife watching and member of Sélvame del Tren, said “In Oppenheimer (the cave with an underground tributary) we were scared by a shocking noise coming from the steel tubes.”

In a video recorded from a drone, activists show two backhoe machines emptying hundreds of rocks on the piles that will support the railroad crossing.

“At first we thought it was cement being poured, but it didn’t sound like we had imagined. Then, when the drone went up, it became clear: they are throwing stones.”

Wilberth Esquivel, an environmental activist known as Salvaje Wil (Wild Wil), after watching the recorded video, told Latinus that filling the piles with stones suggests that “it is something unprecedented and a hidden vice.”

The reason is “because they charge for 30 cubic meters of concrete and add half of the stone so that only five cubic meters fit and they are stealing the money.”

He warned that they are doing adulterated work: “As they are putting a stone in, it does not have a reinforcing framework. Be careful, foundations in that karst system are dangerous in themselves and you are also cheating! What they are doing is very dangerous!”

TYT Newsroom

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