Home Headlines Sheinbaum and Obrador celebrate the freedom of Julian Assange

Sheinbaum and Obrador celebrate the freedom of Julian Assange

by Yucatan Times
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Claudia Sheinbaum, virtual president of Mexico, celebrated the freedom of Julian Assange through a memory with the journalist.

“On September 14, 2022, as head of government, I handed over the keys to the city to Julián Assange through his family. Today we celebrate his freedom,” she Sheinbaum wrote in X.

For his part, López Obrador congratulated the founder of WikiLeaks this Tuesday morning, and regarding his stay in prison he said that “it was a very unfair thing, it was like having freedom in prison.”

Likewise, he read the letter he sent in 2020 to US President Donald Trump in which he advocated in favor of Assange.

TYT Newsroom

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