Yucatecan embroiderers and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) present the Safeguarding Plan for Mayan-Yucatecan embroidery, which seeks to care for the cultural heritage of the state. The closing ceremony was held at the Museo del Mundo Maya.
“The Safeguarding Plan” is a document that marks the 2003 UNESCO convention that protects cultural manifestations. Based on ten general protection measures and strategies, attention and follow-up will be given to this declaration to see that this embroidery protection is fulfilled,” said Cinthia Santoyo, collaborator of the UNESCO Culture Sector in Mexico.
Some of these protection tasks are that embroiderers can teach their techniques in schools and colleges, with the support of the corresponding authorities.
“The center of this project’s objectives is the embroiderers who carry out this important manifestation that is Mayan-Yucatecan embroidery. This is the closing of the first phase of work, the phase lasted approximately 12 months, in which awareness workshops on intangible and cultural heritage were carried out.”
In the Museum’s multipurpose room, 43 women representing more than 12 municipalities in the state gathered to receive their recognition for having taken the UNESCO workshops.

These workshops were focused on business models and financial education. Some others also included talks on new masculinities, to raise awareness among the men of these communities about the importance of women in their homes and as providers.
“Yucatan textile art and embroidery serves not only as an economic activity but as an activity that is reclaiming cultural identity in the state of Yucatán.” On the part of UNESCO, and with the support of the Banamex Foundation, the approach to these women in the communities was made through the location of groups of embroiderers in these municipalities. These women were given a series of diagnostic workshops to learn about the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of the textile art business.
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