To maintain the necessary actions to prevent dengue, Zika, and chikungunya, the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY) reports that fumigation measures will be carried out in municipalities in the interior of the state from July 22 to 26 as part of the prevention strategy against the mosquito that transmits these diseases.
The Director of Prevention and Health Protection, Carlos Isaac Hernández Fuentes, explained that the weekly fumigation schedule will be distributed as follows: on Monday, July 22, the municipal capital of Dzilam de Bravo, Santa Clara, Chabihau and San Crisanto, police stations of Dzidzantún, Yobaín and Sinanché, respectively, as well as the municipal seats of Telchac Puerto, Tixcacalcupul and Oxkutzcab.
Likewise, he added that on Tuesday the 23rd, the brigades will work in Progreso and its Chicxulub Puerto police station and Pisté Comisaria in Tinum and the municipality of Oxkutzcab.
On Wednesday the 24th, the actions will continue in Progreso and its Yucalpetén and Chelem Comisarias and the municipalities of Yaxcabá and Tekax.
Hernández Fuentes pointed out that on Thursday the 25th the activities will continue in the Progreso municipality (Chelem and Chuburná Puerto), as well as in the municipalities of Celestún, Temozón, and Tekax.
Finally, on Friday, July 26, the actions will take place at Sisal, Hunucmá and Uayma.
The health official invited the population to collaborate by keeping their yards clean and eliminating containers where water can accumulate, complementary measures to prevent the proliferation of the mosquito that transmits dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.
He emphasized on continuing to take garbage and junk to the corners to avoid health inconvenience to the population since the junk removal campaign concluded in recent days and currently an extraordinary effort is being made in coordination with municipal authorities to collect the remnants.
He reported on a set of actions so far this year and for the benefit of the population that consists of larval control of a total of 243,644 homes, fogging of 12,682 hectares of a surface with fumigation vehicles, and 5,162 homes.
The state official explained that dengue is a tropical disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which deposits its eggs in containers with stagnant water, such as buckets, tires, pots, and water tanks, so he recommended that the population consider this factor. because rainwater encourages the insect to lay its eggs in vases, pots, containers, and useless objects in patios where mosquitoes capable of transmitting the disease breed.
It should be noted that there are four types of dengue viruses, which means that a person can contract the disease up to four times in their life. In Yucatán, types 1 and 2 are the most common, but the entry of serotype 3 increases the risk of contagion.
In this sense, emphasis is placed on prevention, which is a key factor, since the responsibility to avoid these actions is shared and this disease can be avoided by using repellent, keeping yards clean to eliminate mosquito breeding places, installing mosquito nets, using of domestic insecticide and following government campaigns for the benefit of the population.
Finally, Hernández Fuentes reiterated that it is important to consider that factors such as climate and individual immune response can influence the risk of getting sick, so prevention and community cooperation are essential to combat dengue.
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