Home Headlines For barking at him when he passed by, a man killed a pregnant dog in Dzidzantún

For barking at him when he passed by, a man killed a pregnant dog in Dzidzantún

by Yucatan Times
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Just because it barked at him when he was walking down the street, a drunk man shot a dog to death in Dzidzantún.

The events occurred on the night of Monday, July 29. The man is already in the hands of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Yucatán after he shot the dog, which was pregnant.

The man is José M. P., alias “Wado” from Motul. He was carrying a rifle in the middle of the street.

Upon hearing the gunshot, neighbors alerted the authorities. Agents from the Dzidzantún Municipal Police arrived at the site.

Upon seeing the officers arrive, the man left the shotgun on the road and tried to flee, but they arrested him. Likewise, he is now at the disposal of the authorities for the crime of animal abuse.

TYT Newsroom

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