Home LifestyleArt and Culture New Yucatecan Cinematograpy, the initiative to promote local productions

New Yucatecan Cinematograpy, the initiative to promote local productions

by Yucatan Times
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Although Yucatán is rich in talent creating audiovisual productions, there is still a lack of spaces to disseminate these pieces, which is why Nuevo Cine Yucateco proposes expanding these networks so that the public has access to works created by Yucatecan independent artists.

Lucero Ek heads this independent film project that is responsible for managing spaces to screen Yucatecan productions and, in addition, is creating a collection of short films, documentaries and movies that in the future can be consulted by anyone.

“I believe in free access to culture, that is why tickets to screenings are free. The main objective of Nuevo Cine Yucateco is the dissemination of what is done in Yucatán in terms of cinema and the creation of a collection, that is “It starts from recovering the audiovisual memory and also searching for it because it happens that short films exist, but you don’t know where they are or you can’t always have access to see them,” explains Lucero.

Lucero highlights that although Nuevo Cine Yucateco was born at the end of 2023 as a degree project, it is now an initiative that invites all people interested in joining.

Check out the social networks of Nuevo Cine Yucateco, the space is permanently open for anyone who wishes to contribute to this dissemination of culture.

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