Home NewsCrime Searches continue on properties in Valladolid: arrests and seizures

Searches continue on properties in Valladolid: arrests and seizures

by Yucatan Times
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On the night of Thursday, July 18, operations against drug dealing continued on properties across this city, in which agents of the State Investigative Police (PEI) and the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) participated, supported by the National Guard, Navy and the Ministry of Public Security (SSP).

On this occasion, the authorities searched a property on 107th Street and 18th in the Jardines de San Francisco subdivision, where natural drugs, firearm cartridges, and police tactical equipment, among other things, were seized.

Recently, the police forces carried out searches in five properties in the city, including the Cantaritos bar, in which they seized nine kilos of cocaine and other natural and synthetic drugs, in addition to securing the properties.

Last Wednesday, they detained a person, apparently the owner of a hotel under construction located in the Oaxaqueña neighborhood. The suspect allegedly had a house in the Jardines de San Francisco subdivision, where a blacksmith workshop operated, but was just a front for criminal activities.

At that location, natural drugs, firearm cartridges, official uniforms, and police tactical equipment were seized, in addition to a car that was in the garage.

Since authorities searched a house in that subdivision, but on 105th Street, there were already suspicions that the property of one of the arrested subjects was on another street.

It turned out that the PEI had already made 15 arrests, but it has not officially reported it.

Last night’s search lasted two hours. During the operation, the street was closed. The property was empty, so the police forced the door and entered.

After the operation, they secured the property and left a Municipal Police patrol just in front of the house. The house owner was arrested last Wednesday, July 17, in another place in the city and was one of those the police officers were looking for.

TYT Newsroom

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