Home Headlines Yucatan Police Ranks First in the Country in the Performance and Trust Survey

Yucatan Police Ranks First in the Country in the Performance and Trust Survey

by Yucatan Times
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The Yucatan Police ranks first in the entire country in performance and trust, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

In its National Survey of Urban Public Security (ENSU) for June, Mérida ranked first with the best performance of the state police, registering that 82% of the population aged 18 and over considers that it has a very effective or somewhat effective performance.

In this regard, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal recognized the work and effort of the state police, which has allowed for strengthening security throughout the territory and maintaining the levels of peace and tranquility for all Yucatecan families.

The proportion obtained in the Yucatecan capital is higher than the national one of 56.8%, which represented an increase of 11 percentage points, and the advance of 7 positions compared to the same period, but in 2023.

Likewise, Mérida was placed in the first place with the greatest confidence in the state police, since it registered that 83.9% of the population aged 18 and over has a lot or some confidence in the state police, which is higher than that obtained at the national level, which was 58%.

The above represented an increase of 10.5 percentage points and an advance of 7 positions compared to the same period in 2023.

It achieved seventh place with the best perspective on the future in terms of security, by registering that 73.8% of the population aged 18 and over considers that the situation regarding crime will improve or remain just as good, which is higher than the national indicator of 47.6%. The above represented an increase of 7.8 percentage points and an advance of 1 position compared to the same period in 2023.

In terms of greater perception of security, it was positioned among the first eight places, since 77.97% of the population aged 18 and over considers their city safe, a proportion 1.9 times higher than the national figure of 40.4% and represents an increase of 3.5 percentage points and the maintenance of the position.

In the Vila Dosal Government, maintaining and strengthening security has been one of the most important issues, so assuming this responsibility in security, the budget for the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) was increased by 138%, amounting to 3,687 million pesos to maintain and improve the indices in this area. In addition, it was guaranteed that this budget cannot be reduced in future generations.

To improve the security infrastructure throughout the state, the state corporation was equipped with cameras to reach 6,775 currently, more than 2,200 security and civil protection vehicles, road arches, smart traffic lights, the C5i Command Center, coastal vessels, and a Bell helicopter. In addition, the Regional Control and Command Centers of Izamal, Progreso, Oxkutzcab, and Valladolid were remodeled.

In addition, the conditions of the agents have been strengthened with competitive salaries, schemes to access private medical care in case of work accidents, and the possibility of obtaining a loan from the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit).

Also, university scholarships are awarded to their children for 100% of registration and tuition, with bi-monthly support of 2,600 pesos if they prove their admission to any private or public institution, and the Public Security personnel are granted free public transportation service of the “Circuito Héroes Ciudadanos” and the “Héroes Ciudadanos” Card that offers discounts to security forces and health personnel in more than 1,000 establishments. It must be remembered that we have the same levels of security as in other countries in the world, such as France, Luxembourg, Canada, and the United States.

Another positive indicator is that we have the lowest crime rate in our history, with 75% fewer crimes compared to 2019.

Without a doubt, Yucatán is experiencing a historic moment in security, as we are the state with the lowest crime rate, homicides, kidnappings, and vehicle theft, which is complemented by the fact that we are in first place in the performance of the state police and the confidence index for the Yucatecan corporation.

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