Home Headlines An activist calls on the people of Mérida to stop animal abuse

An activist calls on the people of Mérida to stop animal abuse

by Yucatan Times
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In Yucatán, there is a lot of disinterest from the authorities in enforcing the law that punishes those who mistreat animals, whose cases have increased in recent months, reported Elsa Arceo Medina, animal rights defender. The activist affirms that Animal abuse is also a reflection of society.

Arceo stated that Yucatán occupies first place in animal abuse nationwide due to the increase in cases of this type. It highlights cases such as those of dogs and cats poisoned, beaten, and burned, as well as abused horses in bullfights in towns and horse-drawn carriages.

The activist stressed the lack of interest on the part of the authorities to apply the laws that punish those who mistreat animals since Mérida is one of the points with the highest reported cases, mainly in animal poisoning.

Although local legislation reformed the Penal Code to establish criteria and standardize sanctions, it has not been effective, Arceo said.

The Yucatan Wildlife Protection Law establishes justice from the integrity of the animals and their surveillance so that they are in good condition, in addition to applying the weight of the law to anyone who commits a crime against them.

Given this, the activist shared that there are more than 600 complaints before the State Attorney General’s Office. However, very few are resolved or treated. At least four of those are under investigation. That is proof of the lack of attention towards compliance.

On the part of society, he stated that it is also about having a culture of empathy, especially for street animals, the majority in the state. It is part of an awareness of not harming the animals without reason.

He highlighted that associations have challenges in providing care to these animals, mainly dogs and cats, now also opossums, which are promoting their care and preservation.

Among the reasons for animal abuse, he shared that perhaps it is due to some psychological factor since, in many cases, the person who committed this crime was for mental reasons and abused animals more than once.

It is also due to the lack of tolerance when seeing many stray animals. Some people choose to poison them, which is a problem.

Arceo Medina’s fight focuses on banning horse-drawn buggies due to recent mistreatment that went viral among Yucatecans and previously documented cases.

Finally, she called on the people of Merida to stop the abuse and that there are better fates for the animals. In the case of having pets, treat them properly because they also represent part of a family and deserve a home of love and care.

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