Home Business-newBusiness Moody’s rating agency classifies Yucatan as an AA- category state in Mexico

Moody’s rating agency classifies Yucatan as an AA- category state in Mexico

by Yucatan Times
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Mauricio Vila, Governor of Yucatan, revealed that the international financial agency Moody’s modified its rating for Yucatán, as it went from A+ to AA-.

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, Vila Dosal indicated that the American rating company recognized Yucatan as “a state with solid and high-quality finances.”

“For this reason, Moody’s modified its general assessment of the state of Yucatan, prioritizing its strengths during the current administration”, Vila continued.

What does the Moody’s rating agency’s AA- value mean for Yucatan?

Moody’s ratings refer to opinions on credit risks for investors: in the short and medium term. In this sense, those AA- are of high quality and low risk.

In the case of Yucatan, it delved into the improvement of its liquidity, good practices around the collection of income; as well as those dedicated to the development of certain fiscal measures.

«As a team, we promote a more transparent state, an efficient government for the Yucatecans and we will continue laying the foundations to continue transforming our state,» concluded Governor Mauricio Vila.

TYT Newsroom

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