To date, the presence of 8 adult jaguars has been recorded in the Dzilam de Bravo area, as a result of the actions of preservation and protection of fauna promoted by the State Government.
Dzilam de Bravo, Yucatán, (August 15, 2024).- As a result of the efforts for the preservation and protection of fauna promoted by the State Government, in the last week the presence of 2 jaguar specimens was detected in the Dzilam de Bravo Ecological Reserve, bringing the total to 8 felines of this type that have been observed in the area through the use of cutting-edge technology, a reflection of the advances that Yucatán has in terms of biodiversity.
Through constant monitoring carried out with the help of cutting-edge technology such as camera traps and audio-moths with artificial intelligence, the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (SDS) reported that once again the existence of jaguar specimens in said Reserve was seen, where evidence is constantly found that this important species reproduce successfully.
The director of Management and Conservation of Natural Resources, Toshio Yokoyama Cobá, indicated that the advances in the matter were recently presented in Shenzen, China, during the “Summit & International Symposium on Smart Protected Areas”, where Yucatán received recognition for outstanding actions in innovation for the conservation of nature, being a reference at a global level.
The state official indicated that the sightings and the recognition mentioned above are obtained as part of an observation project that has been going on for 3 years, which shows the advances of Yucatán in terms of biodiversity.
“With this we become the first subnational government to implement these tools, thus moving on to phase 2 of the Tech4Nature Project with which we keep track of the fauna of the area,” said Yokoyama Cobá.
Currently, there are 9 protected natural areas under state jurisdiction in Yucatan, including the Dzilam de Bravo Ecological Reserve and the Puuc Biocultural Reserve, which are part of the fulfillment of the 30×30 commitment, with which Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal agreed to advance 30% of the protection of the Protected Natural Areas (ANP’S) of the territory.
This agreement seeks to increase the surface area of these ANPs through the modification of the decree where it is stated that we will achieve 30%, that is, a surface area of 1,185,081.98 hectares in total of decreed surface area under some conservation scheme.
These antecedents, defined in the 30×30 agreement, also establish a line in what are the international agreements, both on biodiversity and climate change mitigation, since they contribute to the issue of adaptation in the areas that serve as carbon dioxide reservoirs.
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