Home PlanetYucaEnvironment Oil spill from the Maya Train construction contaminates the cave system

Oil spill from the Maya Train construction contaminates the cave system

by Yucatan Times
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A new polluting factor has been added to the works on section 5 south of the Maya Train with the diesel spill in a vault of the Aktun T’uyul underground system.

In the Oppenheimer cavern, the “hammocks” placed near the piles intended to contain the fuel spillage into the water have been removed. 

Gemma Santana, a member of the civil organization Sélvame del Tren, reported the spill and has posted several videos on social media that show the contamination of the cavernous system.

In the Oppenheimer cavern, they removed the “hammocks” and the water looked oily and cloudy.

“There was no need (for the Mayan Train). This is a beautiful place where we could promote conservation tourism and ecotourism,” he said.

“Mexico has many wonders. So, they must stop this, there are more than 20 thousand piles in the section, and in the Oppenheimer cavern, there are 42. We can avoid more destruction,” she said.

For his part, José Urbina Bravo, a member of Sélvame del Tren, explained that the fuel comes from the machinery that works on the project, which pierce the ecosystem to place the piles, but due to the porosity of the Karst soil, it filters directly into the aquifer.

On August 19, the group published a complaint about diesel pollution in the area. Through a video in which they were in a part of the Oppenheimer cave, which is closed. They describe the strong smell of fuel, causing nausea and eye irritation.

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