Home NewsCrime Police officers arrest a grave desecrator in Tekax, Yucatán

Police officers arrest a grave desecrator in Tekax, Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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Wílberth C. C., AKA La Hormiga (The Ant), was arrested after he entered the Kancab cemetery and stole human remains from the cemetery.

Neighbors reported that the man desecrated several graves, removed the bodies, and arranged them on the road that is at the gates of the cemetery located in that community in the municipality of Tekax. The events occurred on Wednesday, August 14.

According to the authorities, this is not the first time La Hormiga has done the same thing. They have previous reports regarding similar incidents by this man.

Agents from the municipal police, the Prosecutor’s Office, and the Forensic Medical Service arrived at the cemetery to remove the human remains.

The relatives of the people whose remains Wilberth C.C. exhumed filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office.

TYT Newsroom

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