Home NewsPeninsulaCampeche Yucatán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo to protest against legislative overrepresentation

Yucatán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo to protest against legislative overrepresentation

by Yucatan Times
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Yucatán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo have confirmed participation in the national protest against legislative overrepresentation.

Legislative overrepresentation refers to a situation where a political party has a greater proportion of legislators than its share of the vote received during elections. For example, a party might win 40% of the vote but secure 45% of the seats in the Chamber of Representatives.

This occurs because Mexico’s Lower House of Congress consists of 300 members elected directly from districts (Majority Representation) and 200 members allocated through proportional representation (Representative Proportional). However, to prevent an excessive concentration of power, the Constitution imposes limits on overrepresentation. Specifically, Article 54 of the Mexican Constitution states that no party can have a total number of deputies exceeding 8% more than its national vote percentage.

The National Civic Front, Yucatán chapter, in collaboration with other civil organizations, will join the nationwide protest against legislative overrepresentation. They are calling for the protest this coming Sunday, August 11th, in Mérida.

Across the country, more than 50 cities, represented by the National Civic Front (also known as the “Pink Tide”), will protest the overrepresentation of Morena and coalition parties in the legislature. The march is also endorsed by former opposition presidential candidate and senator, Xochitl Gálvez.

In the Yucatán Peninsula, a peaceful gathering has been confirmed for this Sunday, August 11th, in Mérida. The location is the Yucatán National Electoral Institute (INE) facilities, situated across from the park in the Colonia México neighborhood, starting at 10 AM.

In Campeche, the protest will take place at the INE offices in the Plaza del Mar building located on 51st Street, just two blocks away from the Malecón. The concentration will begin at 10 AM.

In Quintana Roo, so far, only Playa del Carmen has confirmed a gathering at the INE facilities on 12th North Street, Manzana 70, Lot 7, downtown Playa, starting at 11 AM. However, additional locations may emerge in the coming days as various groups are distributed across different areas.

The national call for this march has drawn a response from Mexico’s president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who stated that she respects citizens’ right to express their discontent through organized demonstrations.

However, she clarified that the coalition she represents with Morena, PVEM, and PT does not have overrepresentation in Congress, contrary to opposition claims. The INE has already determined the number of seats allocated to each political party, and these data will be confirmed in the coming days by the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF).

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