Home Headlines A couple improvised a shelter for stray dogs and cats in Mérida

A couple improvised a shelter for stray dogs and cats in Mérida

by Yucatan Times
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Yucatán faces an overpopulation of dogs and cats on the streets. There are more than 50 thousand, according to estimates from the state Health Secretariat. It is a figure that has increased due to the lack of sterilization programs and the abandonment of pets. In response to this crisis, some people have decided to act.

Ana Álvarez and her husband have turned their home into an improvised shelter for abandoned animals. Currently, the couple takes care of 19 dogs and four cats, all rescued from the streets of Mérida in precarious conditions. Now, they are seeking support from the community through an online collection to cover the needs of these animals.

“Each of these animals came to us in poor condition, many of them malnourished or sick, and they have had to receive medical attention and a lot of love to recover,” explains Ana, who has dedicated her time and resources to this noble cause.

The problem of stray animals in Mérida affects the quality of life of the animals themselves and causes public health issues. Several dogs and cats roam the streets without being vaccinated and dewormed. Overpopulation and lack of awareness about sterilization have aggravated the situation in recent years, so this young couple has decided to take action on the matter.

“What we do is try to provide them with a safe place, but the needs are many and, unfortunately, our resources are limited. That is why we have decided to ask our community for help to continue caring for these animals,” explained the young woman.

Photo: “Cat Lover” Cinthia Martinez

Ana and her husband request donations that will be used exclusively for the food, medical care, and daily care of the dogs and cats they house in their shelter. Anyone can join with contributions of 100 pesos.

“We would love to continue helping more dogs and cats on the streets of Mérida, but we need support to continue,” he adds.

With limited space and scarce resources, this makeshift shelter seeks to provide hope to animals wandering the streets of Mérida without a home. Ana and her husband’s call reflects a broader reality in Mérida and Yucatán: the need for mass sterilization programs, awareness campaigns, and more support for shelters and organizations that fight to offer animals a better life.

However, until those long-term solutions are implemented, people like Ana will continue to do what they can to save dogs and cats in need. If you want to support this shelter in Mérida, you can donate here: https://gofund.me/206515d1

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