Home Headlines Catholic Church joins in rejection of changes in the Judicial Branch

Catholic Church joins in rejection of changes in the Judicial Branch

by Yucatan Times
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The Mexican Episcopate asks senators to analyze President López Obrador’s initiative in depth and with caution; they point out that it is necessary to create a ‘comprehensive reform’.

The Catholic Church joined the protests against the judicial reform, considering that President López Obrador’s initiative “does not respond to a comprehensive review of the judicial system, nor does it guarantee a better and more qualified administration of justice.”

In a public statement, through the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM), it criticized that the presidential proposal – already approved by the Chamber of Deputies by the majority of Morena and its allies – “affects the autonomy of the Judicial Branch and calls into question the division of powers established by our Constitution.”

“For this reason, we ask that the point of view of the members of the Judicial Branch be heard… the judges, magistrates, ministers and ministers,” it urged.

The Catholic hierarchy encouraged “continuing the reflections of bar associations, students and professionals, in which they agree with various international organizations that state that the election of judges and magistrates to the position, in addition to politicizing and weakening the administration of justice in Mexico, does not offer any guarantee to overcome the corruption and impunity that citizens urgently need.”

Also – he added – “we hope that the Senate, taking into account its great responsibility and the importance of the issue, will give itself sufficient time to reflect in-depth, analyze prudently and rebuild the dialogue with all sectors of society, beyond unnecessary partisanship, contemplating the good of the nation.”

The above – he added – “so that we move forward to a comprehensive reform that includes the prosecutors, local courts, respect for the judicial career, as well as federal justice.”

On behalf of the president of the CEM, the archbishop of Monterrey, Rogelio Cabrera López, and the entire delegation of the religious organization, the statement insisted on expressing its “concern about the possible approval of the constitutional reform on the Judicial Branch in Mexico.”

It also recalled that the bishops, together with civil society, promoted dialogues with different sectors, with “a claim from the victims of widespread criminal violence and impunity caused by the limitations and corruption of some justice providers.”

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