Home Headlines López Obrador celebrates approval of Judicial Reform and congratulates legislators

López Obrador celebrates approval of Judicial Reform and congratulates legislators

by Yucatan Times
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The president paused in his conference to talk about the reform of the Judicial Branch, which was approved in general and in particular by the members of the Chamber of Deputies.

On Wednesday, September 4, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, paused to talk about the reform to the Judicial Branch, which was approved by the Deputies in general, before his appearance with the media and during the same in particular.

After it was announced that it would now go to the Senate of the Republic, AMLO congratulated the representatives of Morena and its allies that make up the Chamber of Deputies for this fact, which he considered to be something positive for the country, “It is very good news!” he said.

Prior to this celebration, he referred to the suspensions granted against it by various judges. In this context, Obrador maintained that the suspensions against the reform of the Judicial Branch are not valid, since they lack legal basis, as the legislative process has been carried out in an orderly manner and following due process.

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