Home Headlines Ministry of Tourism Development awards quality badges and TripAdvisor recognitions in Valladolid

Ministry of Tourism Development awards quality badges and TripAdvisor recognitions in Valladolid

by Yucatan Times
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With the addition of 14 new certifications, there are now 94 companies with the Yucatán Distinction throughout the state.

Just a few days before the end of the current Administration and as a sign of commitment to the objectives implemented by the state government, the Ministry of Tourism Development (SEFOTUR) is still carrying out different activities in various parts of the state, including the recent awarding of Quality Badges and Recognitions held in the Magical Town of Valladolid on September 6.

Under the framework of the Tourism Quality Model promoted by the current administration, SEFOTUR has promoted and supported the training and certification of companies in the sector to improve the quality of tourism services and guarantee optimal attention for tourists and visitors. This effort seeks to increase satisfaction and health security in the region.

To recognize tourist establishments that duly comply with quality standards, the Secretariat of Tourism Development, headed by Lic. Michelle Fridman Hirsch, accompanied by Mayor Homero Novelo Burgos, Municipal President of Valladolid, Mtro. Héctor Alejandro Bustos Sosa. President of the Association of Hotels and Hostels of Valladolid, A.C., Lic. Jorge Aarón Lerma Nava, Undersecretary of Sustainable Tourism Development. Rodrigo Escalante Escalante, Director of Grupo Mesones de Valladolid, S.A., who presented the quality certificate “Distintivo Yucatán” to fourteen establishments throughout the state.

The “Yucatan Distinction” is a certification awarded by SEFOTUR to companies that implement the quality model developed based on research conducted between 2019 and 2020. This model focuses on key factors such as productive articulation, innovation, and sustainability, as well as identity and heritage. These factors are grouped into four main areas: creativity and teamwork, sustainability, and customer service.

The award is made in coordination with the Valladolid Hotel and Hostel Association and reflects the companies’ commitment to improve their environmental impact and the quality of their service. Since March 1, 2023, 80 certifications have been awarded under this model, and with the addition of 14 new certifications, there are now 94 companies with the Yucatan Distinction throughout the state. In addition, two M – Moderniza distinctions were awarded, the first to the Hotel Oriundo Luxury Nature Villas for its ecotourism certification and the second was awarded to the Hotel Wayé Valladolid for obtaining a Basic M certification.

The “M Distinction” is a quality management system that, through a training program, helps SMEs incorporate modern and effective tools to improve customer satisfaction, staff performance, and company profitability. This distinction is valid for two years and seeks to strengthen competitiveness and foster a culture of continuous improvement in the sector.

To conclude the event, the Trip Advisor Travelers Choice Awards 2024 were presented, which celebrates the highest level of excellence in travel, awarded to those establishments that receive a large volume of exceptional reviews on TripAdvisor. Less than 1% of the profiles on the page achieve this distinction, which recognizes compliance with the highest expectations in service and comfort.

The hotels that deserved this recognition were Much, Hotel Posada San Juan, Hotel Wayé, Hotel Zentik Project, Casa Tía Micha, and Hostal Candelaria.

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