Home Business-newBusiness Real Estate prices in Merida rose by 15% in average

Real Estate prices in Merida rose by 15% in average

by Yucatan Times
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The price of used housing in Mérida increased by 14.6%, while new housing rose by 15.6%

75% of the housing supply in Mérida remains horizontal, unlike other cities with vertical trends.

The metropolitan area of Mérida has a population of 1.4 million inhabitants, with an annual growth of 3.3%, which translates into the formation of more than 9,000 new households each year.

An analysis by Tinsa shows that the adult population between 35 and 59 years old represents 33%, while young people between 20 and 34 years old make up 25%, teenagers between 10 and 19 years old 15%, and those over 60 years old reach 14%.

In response to this population increase, there has also been a notable rise in the housing supply. Currently, there are more than 300 projects for sale and an available stock of 11,845 units, according to Justino Moreno, director of consulting at Tinsa Mexico. Although there has been a boom in the construction of vertical housing in other Mexican cities, Mérida maintains 75% of its housing supply in horizontal developments.

Regarding prices, used housing has seen an annual increase of 14.6%, while new housing has risen by 15.6%. Thanks to advanced digital tools like RadarMX and Analytics Incoin, developed by Tinsa, real-time analysis of the real estate market is facilitated. These platforms provide detailed information on the main market variables, such as available stock, prices, and absorption speed, making it easier to make decisions based on reliable and updated data.

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