Home Headlines Workers of the Federal Judicial Branch block the Maya Train building in Merida

Workers of the Federal Judicial Branch block the Maya Train building in Merida

by Yucatan Times
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On the morning of Wednesday, September 4, workers of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) blocked the entrances to the administrative building of the Maya Train, as part of the protests against the reform to the Judicial Branch promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The Judicial Branch workers arrived early, set up on the road to Progreso and moments later positioned themselves at the entrances to the administrative building of the Maya Train located near the exit to that port.

The Maya Train workers were not able to enter and those who were there left, however inside the building there were members of the National Guard who remained to guard the facilities.

The activities will be intensified during the week and on Friday, September 6th, a new march is expected on Paseo de Montejo, so protesters invited citizens to join the movement.

TYT Newsroom

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