Home Headlines Food stand catches fire in Valladolid municipality: Three injured

Food stand catches fire in Valladolid municipality: Three injured

by Yucatan Times
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closeup photo of fire during night time

Three women suffered second-degree burns on different parts of their bodies when a fire broke out inside their street food stand in the community of Yalcobá on Thursday, October 10th.

According to witnesses, the small food stand that sells snacks to students at an elementary school, as well as to people in the community, including taxi drivers, operates on 12th Street and 13th Street in the center of that community.

The three women went there very early to begin their normal work, and a gas stove was lit when a short circuit occurred, causing the fire.

The vendors did not have time to leave the area of ​​the fire in time. They even threw water on the fire to try to put it out, but the flames spread quickly and reached the three women, who suffered burns on different parts of their bodies.

Locals who were nearby came to try to help the women, but they were unable to prevent them from suffering second-degree burns.

The people managed to control the fire as best they could, while the firefighters who had already been called arrived.

When the firefighters arrived, the fire had already been controlled and they only managed to finish putting it out.

Paramedics came to the scene and treated and transferred the three workers to the General Hospital of this city so that they could receive the required care.

TYT Newsroom

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