Home LifestyleArt and Culture The Christ of the Exaltation receives honors in Izamal

The Christ of the Exaltation receives honors in Izamal

by Yucatan Times
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IZAMAL, YUCATAN.— On Friday, October 18thm the Christ of the Exaltation arrived in this city from the Sitilpech police station, an event that took place at 8 a.m. in the chapel of San Juan Bautista.

It was a visit in which the weather seemed like it would not allow Christ to enter since the rain was intense, so much so that it seemed that the faithful would not arrive to welcome the venerated image on the night of its reception.

It was 6:20 p.m. when the rain stopped, but the persistent drizzle caused the custodians of the Christ from both the city and Sitilpech to reach an agreement that the crucified figure would be placed inside a protector, after which its entry into the city began before a little more than half a thousand faithful.

As the image of the Christ of the Exaltation advanced, the faithful appeared in greater numbers and joined the march.

Two blocks from the center of the city, there were already more than two thousand faithful who defied the weather to be there on the night of the reception.

It was on 26th Street with 31st when it was decided, seeing the clear sky, to take the Christ away from its protector so that it could make the rest of the journey on the shoulders of devotees and entered the center of Izamal, when there was already an average of 5 thousand faithful accompanying it.

Already at the arch, the image of the Pilgrim Virgin welcomed the Christ of the Exaltation, where a prayer and a song were said, and then continued towards the sanctuary where, prior to entering, the fireworks of the night were seen, with the Christ already placed on the altar of the sanctuary’s atrium.

TYT Newsroom

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