Home Headlines Yucatán sets an example in strategies against animal abuse

Yucatán sets an example in strategies against animal abuse

by Yucatan Times
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The state of Aguascalientes will replicate the work carried out, starting in 2022, in the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Yucatán, to combat animal abuse.

The Specialized Unit for Animal Abuse Crimes of the Yucatecan Prosecutor’s Office has served as an example in other entities, being one of the few on the subject in the country.

Aarón Alejandro Castillo Cabrera, head of the FGE’s Specialized Unit for Animal Abuse Crimes, reported that they will support the work in Aguascalientes to combat violence against animals.

As part of the support actions, Yucatan authorities will participate next week in the Sixth Animal Welfare Forum 2024.

The Yucatecans will lead the keynote conference “The Investigation of the Crime of Animal Abuse in Yucatán”, organized by the State Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection of that city.

“There are statistics that place our country in the first place of this crime, and Yucatán is the state with the highest incidence,” Castillo Cabrera warned.

Despite the higher incidence of this crime in the state, “in the entire country only five states have a Unit against Animal Abuse, with statistics on the subject,” and Yucatán is one of them.

“We started this work two years ago, and thanks to the dissemination of its existence we have a large participation of citizens who trust their authorities and come to report,” he stressed.

Castillo Cabrera praised the high participation of citizens, which includes complaints of alleged mistreatment of other types of animals.

Furthermore, he insisted that more than a high incidence unlike the rest of the country, Yucatán is taking a step forward in the culture of citizen denunciation. “The State Attorney General’s Office does its part by receiving all complaints “and they are all investigated, which speaks of the seriousness with which the issue is addressed, so the work begun must continue,” the statement says.

TYT Newsroom

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