Home LifestyleExpat Community “Los Mayas Eternos” show their solidarity with those most in need

“Los Mayas Eternos” show their solidarity with those most in need

by Yucatan Times
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“Los Mayas Eternos” (The Eternal Mayas) celebrated Valentine’s Day in a special way, following the motto of doing good without looking at whom.

This group, made up mostly of foreigners living in Merida, went to the south of the city to give away candy, toys, shoes and blankets, responding to a call to support those who need it most.

The destination was La Fuente irregular settlement area, where 200 children live in houses made of pieces of wood, sheet metal and plastic, and who require constant support. Around 160 families came to receive help.

The group, made up of 12 volunteers, was in charge of organizing the distribution of the products, placing tables to facilitate delivery to the community.

Pedro Tec, coordinator of the Eternal Mayas, shared that 100 blankets were delivered, of which 60 were used and the rest new. 100 toys were also distributed, with the goal of reaching 400 in future occasions.

In addition, Los Mayas Eternos are already preparing for a new support day in Cholul, where they will carry out various activities to benefit the inhabitants and will deliver 800 pairs of shoes at public schools.

One of the most notable aspects of Los Mayas Eternos is their teamwork, because, although its members come from different parts of the world, they all come together with the same purpose: to bring what the communities need most, doing everything possible to make a difference.

Pedro Tec confessed that some world-class athletes have traveled to Mérida exclusively to help and, with the same discretion, they return. This group, which has transcended borders, demonstrates its humanitarian work day after day, always with the hope of seeing society move forward.

Los Mayas Eternos believe that by helping people in some way they can repay the love and hospitality they have received from the Yucatecans.

About Los Mayas Eternos

The Eternal Mayas is a non’profit civil association, with four years of existence, that seeks to bring smiles, toys and basic products to needy communities and to the so-called “invasion zones” (irregular settements) in Merida, Yucatan. It is made up of about fifty people, mainly from the foreign community.

For more information about Los Mayas Eternos visit: https://www.losmayaseternos.com/

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