Home LifestyleEntertainment Comprehensive League of Legends Champions Tier List

Comprehensive League of Legends Champions Tier List

by Yucatan Times
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The meta in League of Legends is constantly evolving, shaped by balance changes, emerging strategies, and innovations from players across all skill levels. As we approach the end of the current season, understanding which champions excel in the current state of the game can give you a significant competitive edge, whether you’re climbing the ranked ladder or competing in organized play.

The current roster of league of legends champions presents an intricate balance of power across different roles and playstyles. With over 160 unique characters, each offering distinct abilities and strategic options, navigating this vast pool of champions requires both analytical understanding and practical experience. This tier list aims to provide clarity on which champions are dominating the current meta, which are viable but situational, and which might require exceptional skill to find success.


This tier list is based on comprehensive data analysis from high-level play (Diamond+ across major regions), professional matches from recent tournaments, and consultation with multiple Challenger-level players. Champions are evaluated based on:

  1. Win rate and pick/ban rate in qualified matches
  2. Versatility across team compositions
  3. Skill floor and effectiveness relative to mastery required
  4. Performance against current meta champions
  5. Utility in organized team play versus solo queue

Champions are categorized into S, A, B, C, and D tiers, with S representing the strongest picks in the current meta and D representing champions that struggle significantly in the present state of the game.

Top Lane Tier List


  • Aatrox: Remains dominant with strong lane presence, teamfight impact, and flexible build paths.
  • Jax: Scales exceptionally well and can split-push effectively while maintaining teamfight potential.
  • Fiora: Unmatched in 1v1 scenarios with high outplay potential and late-game scaling.


  • Camille: Offers strong engage tools and single-target lockdown with good scaling.
  • Darius: Formidable lane bully with snowball potential and team fight presence.
  • Shen: Provides global map pressure with ultimate while offering strong dueling capabilities.


  • Gwen: Powerful in extended fights but struggles against certain matchups.
  • Mordekaiser: Strong in isolated fights but lacks mobility.
  • Renekton: Early game powerhouse that falls off in later stages.

Jungle Tier List


  • Lee Sin: Remains versatile with high early impact and playmaking potential.
  • Viego: Excels in teamfights with reset mechanics and flexible build paths.
  • Graves: Efficient clearing with strong dueling and scaling options.


  • Jarvan IV: Reliable engage tools and early gank potential.
  • Elise: Strong early pressure with dive potential.
  • Kindred: Scaling option with unique gameplay and objective control.


  • Kha’Zix: Excels in isolated fights but requires careful positioning.
  • Trundle: Strong counter to tank-heavy compositions.
  • Lillia: Fast clearing with team-wide CC potential.

Mid Lane Tier List


  • Ahri: Combines reliable waveclear with mobility and pick potential.
  • Viktor: Offers exceptional scaling, waveclear, and teamfight presence.
  • Syndra: Provides consistent lane dominance and burst potential.


  • Yone: High skill ceiling with strong all-in potential and scaling.
  • Orianna: Versatile mage with game-changing ultimate.
  • Zed: Excels against immobile targets with high burst damage.


  • Vex: Strong against mobile champions but situational overall.
  • Leblanc: High mobility and burst but requires precise execution.
  • Sylas: Flexible pick with ultimate-stealing mechanic that shines in specific matchups.

Bot Lane ADC Tier List


  • Jinx: Combines range, AoE damage, and exceptional teamfight presence.
  • Caitlyn: Dominant lane presence with trap setup and scaling potential.
  • Zeri: Mobility and ramping damage make her exceptional in coordinated play.


  • Aphelios: Complex but rewarding with multiple weapon combinations.
  • Ezreal: Safe pick with poke potential and build flexibility.
  • Jhin: Strong utility and burst damage with setup potential.


  • Vayne: Excels against tank compositions but vulnerable early.
  • Kai’Sa: Offers dive potential but requires proper team composition.
  • Draven: Lane dominant but dependent on snowballing.

Support Tier List


  • Thresh: Timeless utility with engage, disengage, and peel options.
  • Renata Glasc: Game-changing ultimate with strong protective abilities.
  • Nautilus: Reliable engage with point-and-click CC.


  • Lulu: Premier enchanter with versatile protection tools.
  • Pyke: High roaming potential with execution ultimate for gold sharing.
  • Nami: Strong lane presence with versatile utility.


  • Senna: Scaling support with damage potential but vulnerability.
  • Karma: Strong early game that falls off later.
  • Leona: All-in engage support that struggles against disengage comps.

Climbing Recommendations

For players looking to climb the ranked ladder:

  1. For Low ELO (Iron-Gold): Focus on champions with straightforward mechanics and strong teamfight presence. Champions like Garen, Annie, Miss Fortune, and Leona can be extremely effective while allowing you to focus on macro gameplay rather than complex mechanics.
  2. For Mid ELO (Platinum-Diamond): Begin incorporating more mechanically intensive champions with higher carry potential. Champions like Fiora, Zed, Ezreal, and Thresh can provide the outplay potential needed at this level.
  3. For High ELO (Master+): Versatility becomes crucial. Having proficiency in both meta powerhouses and counter picks will give you the draft advantage needed at this level of play.


While this tier list reflects the current state of balance in League of Legends, remember that player skill and comfort on a champion often outweighs theoretical tier placement. A well-mastered B-tier champion will usually perform better than a poorly played S-tier champion. Additionally, the meta continues to evolve with each patch, potentially shifting power levels significantly.

The most successful players adapt their champion pools to balance personal proficiency with meta strength. Focus on mastering a small pool of champions that complement each other and can be selected based on team needs rather than chasing the latest “overpowered” pick.

Remember that even the most challenging matchups become manageable with proper understanding of win conditions, power spikes, and tactical adjustments. League of Legends rewards game knowledge as much as mechanical skill, so developing a deep understanding of champion interactions will always be valuable regardless of meta shifts.

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