To change the use of forest lands in the ecosystem of medium sub-deciduous forest in the Puuc Biocultural Reserve (decreed in November 2011), Profepa closed and seized heavy machinery in the municipality of Tekax.
During an inspection visit in the area, Profepa found two sites with illegal changes of forest use, detecting the total elimination and partial elimination of the natural vegetation of the place.
The devastation amounts to 11 hectares in the Puuc Biocultural Reserve of Yucatan, an area inhabited by Mennonites, where Profepa closed activities.
The first property measures one hectare, where the ecosystem of medium sub-deciduous forest predominated, which was removed to cultivate oilseeds. This site is located within the boundaries of the Puuc Biocultural Reserve.
In the second plot, where the cleared area reached 10 hectares, inspectors found bulldozer machinery, which was removing medium-deciduous forest vegetation. This site is known as the San Antonio site and is located within the area of influence of the Puuc Biocultural Reserve.

Although the statement issued by Profepa does not specify the names of the people responsible for damaging the environment in the area of this ecological reserve, it does indicate that it is a region where Mennonites live.
After the inspection, the temporary closure of all activities carried out at the two sites was imposed as a security measure; in addition, on March 1, the heavy machinery was secured as a precaution and moved to a safe place for safekeeping. The change of land use in forest lands is prohibited: the Federal Penal Code establishes in its article 418 a penalty of six months to 9 years of prison and a fine of 100 to 3,000 times the daily value of the current Unit of Measurement and Update, provided that said activities are not carried out in urban areas or without prior authorization from the competent authority for:
On Sunday, March 2, Profepa filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for the devastation and felling of buttonwood mangroves in Sisal, Yucatan, where they violated closure seals.
The Puuc Biocultural Reserve is a protected area that houses a wide variety of ecosystems representative of Yucatan, such as low deciduous, sub-deciduous and sub-evergreen forests, medium deciduous and sub-deciduous forests, and savannas, among others. It was declared a State Reserve on November 1, 2011, with an area of 135,848-85 hectares, and includes part of the municipalities of Muna, Oxkutzcab, Santa Elena, Tekax, and Ticul.
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