With a cry for justice, collectives, and civil society groups demonstrated on Saturday afternoon in Mérida’s Plaza Grande, demanding that the authorities not let those responsible for the “extermination camp” discovered a few days ago in Teuchitlán, Jalisco, go unpunished.
With a display in which they placed shoes, candles, and flowers, as a sign of national mourning; as well as banners reading: “National mourning. For the 400 people who suffered the terrible fate of being recruited and murdered in extermination camps by organized crime; the authorities are doing nothing,” among other slogans, the protesters called for justice from the corresponding governments.

A person lay down next to the candles, simulating the image of the dead left by the violence in Mexico. Meanwhile, the other protesters, with their silence and gestures, mourned the events in Jalisco.
Sadness was felt at this event, which lasted nearly 40 minutes, during which José Gerardo Patrón Juanes, Xóchitl Rizo, and Coty Scott read a statement recognizing the work of the search groups and reiterating their call for justice for the victims of Teuchitlán, Jalisco. “The discovery of the forced recruitment center and the extermination camp with the clandestine ovens in Teuchitlán is irrefutable proof that crimes against humanity and, therefore, state crimes are being committed in Mexico. If the State does not take immediate action, a pattern of extermination will be consolidated with the complicity of the institutions that should protect citizens,” the groups state in a manifesto.
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