The Merida English Library is eager to welcome patrons to its extensively expanded and renovated home on Calle 53.
Improvements include a new classroom, an expanded children’s area, a second story terrace, and an outdoor café. New restrooms, lighting, storage space, and décor complete the transformation. President of the Library Board Greg Casini explains that a successful two-million-peso fund-raising campaign made the project possible.
Since its establishment in 1994, the Merida English Library has grown from a small lending library to a busy community center with 600 active members.
In addition to its growing collection of more than 12,000 books, audiobooks, and DVDs, the Library offers the community a wide variety of programs. Social events, house and garden tours, wine tastings, and artist studio tours are popular. The weekly “Conversaciones” provide opportunities for English and Spanish speakers to learn from each other.
A well-attended weekly lecture series presents a wide variety of subjects. In the next weeks, for example, lecture topics will include “Spanish Rule in Mexico under the Bourbon Monarchy” by George Ashley and “The Discovery of Yucatán” by Bob Temple.
The Library has dramatically increased its programs for young people. Last year 500 local students from nine schools participated in seminars and workshops. More than 80 local families have enjoyed the Library’s Saturday Storytime.
The Library also provides community space for authors, charities, and other interest groups. Patrons enjoy the shady garden area for reading and informal meetings.
The Merida English Library depends on volunteers for operation and receives no funding from any government. Subscriptions, fundraising events, and donations provide operating revenues.
The Library is located in Mérida Centro at Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68. It is open Monday to Saturday 9am – 1pm, Monday evenings 6:30 – 9:30pm, and Wednesday evenings 4 – 8pm.
For more details, see
by Robert D. Temple
Robert D. Temple, PhD, is the author of the award-winning book Edge Effects and numerous magazine articles, mostly dealing with matters of local history. He lives in Yucatán, Ohio, and Virginia. Some of these articles appeared in slightly different form, under the title “Tales of the Mayab,” in an anthology published by the Mérida English Language Library in 2013.